Regarding proposal for merger of Sorting Assistant and PA (CO/RO) with PA (PO) No. Q-25/11/2022-PE-I-DOPGovernment of IndiaMinistry of CommunicationsDepartment of Posts(PE-I Section) Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,New Delhi – 110001Dated: 20th June, 2023 To, All Heads of Circles. Subject: Regarding proposal for merger of Sorting Assistant and PA (CO/RO) with PA (PO) Sir/Madam, As you are […]
Archives for June 2023
Clarification on Pay Fixation for Upgraded Grade Pay of Rs.4600 in PB-2 for EO/AO Posts PDF
Grant of Pay Structure of upgraded Grade Pay of Rs.4600 in PB-2 to the post that exists in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATIONMINISTRY OF LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT. GOVERNMENT OF INDIAHead OfficeBhavishva Nidhi Bhawan, 14. Bhikaiji Cama Place. New Delhi- 110066 No. HRD-48(1)2021/EO-AO-Clarification/815 Date 13 June 2023 To, All […]
Bio-data Obligations for Charged Officers PDF
Bio-data of charged officers-Regarding mandatory fields and up keep of information GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS(RAILWAY BOARD) No, 2022/V1/RET/2/2 New Delhi, Date: 31.05.2023 The SDGMs/CVOs ne oeAil Zonal Railways/PUs a a OF TheCVOsAll PSUs CORE/ALDMetro/Kolkata,DG RDSO/LKO Sub.: Bio-data of charged officers-Regarding mandatory fields and up keep of information. Ref.: Railway Board’ letter No.2019/V-1/RET/2/1 dtd 20.01.2023 […]
Indian Railways Takes Steps to Strengthen Safety Organization PDF
Strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS(RAILWAY BOARD) No.2017/Safety(DM)/19/1 New Delhi, dated, 09.06.2023 The General Manager,Northern Railway,New Delhi. Sub: Strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways. The issue of Strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways was recently considered by the Board in the meeting held on […]
SSE Post Transfer to CoE – Railways PDF
Transfer of SSE post (Level-7) to CoE from Zonal Railways GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYSRAILWAY BOARD RBE No. 73/2023 No. E(MPP)2023/1/12 Dated, 06/06/2023 The General Managers,All Indian Railways Sub: Transfer of SSE post (Level-7) to CoE from Zonal Railways. Amit Singh MehraDirector (MPP)