Furnishing Information on Government Officials’ Transfers, Retirements, and Resignations
No. 12035/3/2002-Pol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 30th June, 2023
Subject: Furnishing of information regarding transfer, retirement, voluntary retirement, resignation, missing, long leave (with medical certificate and without medical certificate) and death of Government officials, who have been allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) and disciplinary action taken against the delinquent allottees of GPRA to the Directorate of Estates.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Directorate of Estates’ OM No. 12035/3/2002-Pol.II dated 25.06.2013 (copy enclosed) vide which Ministries/Departments of the Government of India were requested to furnish monthly information in respect of transfer of allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation to ineligible office/outstation posting and voluntary retirement/ resignation/ death etc. to Directorate of Estate. Also, outcome of the Disciplinary Proceedings in r/o subletting cases is to be furnished to this Directorate.
- It is observed that most of the Ministries/Department does not send the report. Some reports are sent where there is no mention of house type. This makes further action on the information difficult. Hence, all the concerned Ministries/ Department are once again requested to send the report classified on the basis of house type and addressed to the concerned allotment units. The concerned allotment branches are as follows:-
- Unclassified reports received to the Policy Division of this Directorate will be closed without any action on such reports and it will be presumed that no information has been received in this regard from the concerned Department.
(Pinaki Banerjee)
Dy. Director of Estates (Policy)
Tel. No. 011-23062505
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