The Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications in India has introduced a new savings scheme called Mahila Samman Savings Certificate 2023. Women can open an account in their own name or on behalf of a minor girl child before March 31, 2025, with a minimum deposit of Rs. 1,000 and a maximum deposit limit of […]
2023-24 Interest Rates for Govt. Servants Buying Computers PDF
An office memorandum from the Budget Division of the Department of Economic Affairs under the Indian Ministry of Finance has declared that government employees availing of computer purchase advances in the fiscal year 2023-24 (April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024) will be subject to an annual interest rate of 9.1%. New Interest Rates for […]
SB Order No. 03/2023 – NSC Account Closure PDF
The Department of Posts under the Ministry of Communications has provided an explanation regarding the closure of National Savings Certificate (NSC) accounts that are pledged to banks. According to Rule 7(1) of the National Savings Certificate Scheme, premature closure of the account is permitted in cases such as the death of the account holder(s), forfeiture […]
AICPIN for the Month of February 2023 PDF
AICPIN stands for “All India Consumer Price Index.” It is an important economic indicator that measures changes in the prices of goods and services consumed by households in India. AICPIN is published by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, on a monthly basis. The AICPIN is calculated based on the prices of […]
Rajasthan Government Increases DA by 4% PDF
The Rajasthan Government has announced a 4% increase in the Dearness Allowance (DA) for its employees and pensioners, effective from January 1, 2023. The decision was made at a cabinet meeting held on March 14, 2023. The new DA rate will be 34% of the basic pay/pension, up from the previous rate of 30%. The […]