Grant of Pay Structure of upgraded Grade Pay of Rs.4600 in PB-2 to the post that exists in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 EMPLOYEES’ PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATIONMINISTRY OF LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT. GOVERNMENT OF INDIAHead OfficeBhavishva Nidhi Bhawan, 14. Bhikaiji Cama Place. New Delhi- 110066 No. HRD-48(1)2021/EO-AO-Clarification/815 Date 13 June 2023 To, All […]
Bio-data Obligations for Charged Officers PDF
Bio-data of charged officers-Regarding mandatory fields and up keep of information GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS(RAILWAY BOARD) No, 2022/V1/RET/2/2 New Delhi, Date: 31.05.2023 The SDGMs/CVOs ne oeAil Zonal Railways/PUs a a OF TheCVOsAll PSUs CORE/ALDMetro/Kolkata,DG RDSO/LKO Sub.: Bio-data of charged officers-Regarding mandatory fields and up keep of information. Ref.: Railway Board’ letter No.2019/V-1/RET/2/1 dtd 20.01.2023 […]
Indian Railways Takes Steps to Strengthen Safety Organization PDF
Strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYS(RAILWAY BOARD) No.2017/Safety(DM)/19/1 New Delhi, dated, 09.06.2023 The General Manager,Northern Railway,New Delhi. Sub: Strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways. The issue of Strengthening of the Safety Organization of Indian Railways was recently considered by the Board in the meeting held on […]
SSE Post Transfer to CoE – Railways PDF
Transfer of SSE post (Level-7) to CoE from Zonal Railways GOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF RAILWAYSRAILWAY BOARD RBE No. 73/2023 No. E(MPP)2023/1/12 Dated, 06/06/2023 The General Managers,All Indian Railways Sub: Transfer of SSE post (Level-7) to CoE from Zonal Railways. Amit Singh MehraDirector (MPP)
Joint Secretary Level Empanelment of IAS Officers: Changes in Selection Criteria PDF
Procedure for selection and appointment of officers to Secretariat posts of and above the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India and to certain non-Secretariat posts No. 12/03/2008-EO (SM-III) (Vol. II)Government of IndiaMinistry of Personnel, PG and PensionsDepartment of Personnel & Training(Office of the Establishment officer) North Block, New DelhiDated: 15th June, 2023 […]