Opening of CGHS Wellness Centre-2 at Sector 29-C, Chandigarh and CGHS Wellness Centre-1 at Sector -16 Panchkula (Haryana)
रक्षा लेखा प्रधान नियंत्रक (प.क.)
चंडीगढ़ – 160009
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts
(Western Command), Sector-9
No. AN/VI/1604/Misc.
Date: 05/07/2023
All Sub-offices
under PCDA (WC) Chandigarh)
All Sections of Main Office
The IFAs
(under proforma strength of PCDA (WC)
Subject: Opening of CGHS Wellness Centre-2 at Sector 29-C, Chandigarh and CGHS Wellness Centre-1 at Sector -16 Panchkula (Haryana).
Reference: Office of Addl. Director CGHS, Chandigarh Office order no. CGHS/WC/2018-268 DATED 09/06/2023
Please refer the Office order (copy enclosed) cited under reference on the subject mentioned above wherein it is mentioned that two new CGHS Wellness centres i.e CGHS Wellness Centre-2 at Sector 29-C, Chandigarh and CGHS Wellness Centre-1 at sector -16 Panchkula (Haryana) has started functioning w.e.f. 09.06.2023.
- In this connection it is stated that Central Govt. Employees whose residence falls within the CGHS jurisdiction i.e. area covered by radius of 5 K.M. from the above two wellness centres are eligible for CGHS membership.
- Further, as per this office order , employees who fulfil the above criterion is not eligible to take AMA facilities with immediate effect and CGHS subscription of all such employees will be deducted by the DDO.
- Therefore, it is requested to all such eligible employees to apply for new CGHS card to take the benefits of CGHS facilities and inform the AN Pay section of this office regarding necessary recovery of monthly CGHS subscription.
For Compliance please.
PCDA has seen.
Encl: as above
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