Providing of Construction related documents to Estate Officers
No.PM/DG/229/ 174
Government of India
Directorate General of
Central Public Works Department
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 10th May, 2023
Sub:- Providing of Construction related documents to Estate Officers.
It is to bring to the notice of all field units that lately clients have started approaching the Directorate for work related datas, as these are not being updated timely in WBPMS. As all are aware, facility exists for allowing client access to WBPMS for gathering project data. In order that the data is reliable and up-to-date, it is essential that the WBPMS is regularly updated, preferably, on fortnightly basis or at least once in a month. This Directorate has been sensitizing field units in this regard through the Circulars issued on 20.01.2022, 10.05.2022, 07.06.2022, 06.09.2022, 10.10.2022 and 14.12.2022.
- Regretfully, it is seen that many units are not updating the data on regular basis and timely because of which WBPMS looses its credibility and information has to be obtained either by letters or through telephones. The DG, CPWD, while reviewing the status, has shown his displeasure in the matter and has directed that SDGs and ADGs shall ensure regular updation of the WBPMS. He has, further, directed that the responsibility of such erring officers, who have not complied with the requirement, may be fixed and reported to this Directorate.
- All SDGs and ADGs are requested to kindly take note of the instructions of the DG, CPWD, ensure monthly review at their level and also compliance of the directions as above.
(Harish Kumar)
DY. Director General(Works)
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