The Railway Board in India has granted a three-month extension until 30th June 2023 for the completion of recruitment against Scouts and Guides Quota and Cultural Quota for the financial year 2022-23. The extension was granted in response to a request from one of the Railways due to the large-scale RRC recruitment aimed to be completed by the end of March. However, the letter dated 28th February 2023 from the Railway Board stated that the recruitment process must be completed within the extended deadline as no further extension will be granted.
Time limit for recruitment against Scouts and Guides Quota & Cultural Quota
No. E(NG)II/2020/RR-2/1
New Delhi 28.02.2023
The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways/Production Units.
Chairpersons/Railway Recruitment Cells.
Sub: Recruitment against Scouts and Guides Quota & Cultural Quota for financial year 2022-23 – grant of extension of time limit regarding.
Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 02.09.2022 wherein Zonal Railways were advised to plan the recruitment against Scouts and Guides Quota for the financial year 2022-23 in such a manner that the recruitment process should get completed within the financial year.
- On receiving reference from one of the Railways, the matter of extension of time limit for completion of the said recruitment as well as Cultural Quota recruitment has been examined and it has been decided to extend the time limit. for a period of 3 months beyond 31.03.2023 i.e. till 30.06.2023. The extension is given in the wake of large-scale RRC recruitment targeted for completion before March-end.
- It may also be noted that the process should be completed within this date, as no further extension will be given.
(This disposes of Western Railway’s letter No E/Rectt/890/68/(Scouts & Guides)/B-201 dated 07.02.2023)
(Lalitha R Menon)
Dy. Dir.-II/ Estt(NG)II
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways
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