Railmadad Complaint regarding PNR seizure
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
New Delhi, dated 27.04.2023
All Zonal Railways CRIS,
Managing Director,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110021.
Sub: Railmadad Complaint regarding PNR seizure.
Recently an instance regarding inconvenience faced by genuine passengers due to seizing of tickets and its release by RPF under Section 143 of Railway Act 1989, has been brought to the notice of this office. To avoid such cases, it has been decided to slightly modify the course of action to be adopted by Commercial Staff on receipt of such PNR seizing memo from RPF as mentioned below:-
- The PNR may be seized by the commercial staff in the system after receipt of the memo from RPF clearly mentioning that the same is required for taking action under section 143 of the Railways act.
- In case of seizure of PNR, a message shall be immediately sent by CRIS informing the passenger of the seizure.
- Present format of the message being sent is:
- “PNR “10 Digit PNR no” has been seized.”
- The same may be modificd as: “Your PNR “10 Digit PNR no” has been seized for being booked illegally. Your PNR “10 Digit PNR no” is not valid to undertake train journey.”
- When the first reservation chart corresponding to the PNR provided in the seizure memo has been already prepared, the PNR should not be seized. All necessary details may, however, be provided to the RPF staff who may, however, process the case further under section 143 of Railway Act and take action as deemed fit.
- Necessary instructions may be issued to all concerned accordingly.
Signed by Sanjay Manocha
Date: 27-04-2023 16:38:21
(Sanjay Manocha)
Director Passenger Marketing-II
Ph. No.:011-23047367
Email id: manocha.421sanjay [at] gov.in
4th Floor, Room No: 415-A
Railway Board
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