Unauthorised absence: DAD pay regarding.
No. AN/III/111/P&A/Corr/VOL-VI
Date: 17/05/2023
Circular- 59
Personal attention of Officers-in-Charge
The Officers-in-Charge
1) All section Main Office.
2) All Sub Offices.
(Through CDA Guwahati website)
Subject: Unauthorised absence: DAD pay regarding.
Of late it has come to the notice of this office that some offices / sections either do not intimate the unauthorised absence of their officials or they intimate at a belated stage to pay section of Main Office. As a result, there is always a possibility of overpayment due to sanctioning excess leave / unauthorised absence etc which has been viewed seriously by the higher authority.
It is the responsibility of officer-in-charge of the concerned office / section to intimate any unauthorised absence of officials under their control to this section through e-mail of this section anpaycdaguwahati.dad[@]hub.nic.in immediately with specific recommendation of stopping of pay. In this connection it is intimated that finalisation and closing of monthly pay bill is done on an average on 24th of every month. Furthermore, considering the graveness of the situation, after sending email in this regard, a confirmation regarding the same, is ought to be obtained over phone.
It is also advised that before sanctioning any kind of leave of officials under their control, the sanctioning authority must satisfy himself that leave balance is available in respect of the applicant for whom leave is to be sanctioned.
Contents of this circular may please be got noted from all for strict adherence. Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously. It is also requested that MLS should reach Main Office by the 5th of every succeeding month invariably and forward to the email address of MO CDA Guwahati AN II (Group 1) section, which is cdaguwadmin2tada.dad(@gov.in and also to the email address of AN III section as mentioned above.
CDA has seen.
(Rantu Saikia)
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