Updation of Leave Balance of Railway Employees
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
File No. PC-VI1/2023/HRMS/11
New Delhi, Dated: /07/2023
The General Managers, )
All Indian Railways/PUs/TIs
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Updation of Leave Balance of Railway Employees.
This is to inform that development of Leave Module of HRMS has been completed and tentatively scheduled to be launched in the month of July, 2023.
- It may be appreciated that Leave Module is also one of the modules having effect on the day to day working of the employees and which is going to be accessed by thousands of employees. Further, Leave module is connected with cycles attached with the leave which happens twice in a year i.e. the regular leave such as LAP and LHAP are credited to the accounts of every employee on first January as well as first July. In order to ensure successful launch of the module, it is required to upload the vetted and updated leave balance of each employee as on first July, 2023 into the respective HRMS IDs as one time measure and thereafter the entire process of leave and updation of leave accounts will be done in a dynamic manner through HRMS system.
- Therefore, Personnel and Accounts department of the Railways are requested to complete the vetting and updation of leave accounts of each employee at the earliest so that the same can be uploaded instantly once the formal launch of Leave Module of HRMS is carried out.
- Detailed guidelines, training schedule and launch of Leave Module will be intimated separately.
Principal Executive Director (HR)
Railway Board
Room No. 202, 2nd Floor, Rail Bhawan
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