Revised work schedule of Doctors providing Tele Consultation services through e-Sanjeevani
No.1-5/2022-CGHS/C&P/537 – 546
3075844/2023/O/o AD(HQ)-CGHS
Date 5/04/23
Subject: Revised work schedule of Doctors providing Tele Consultation services through e-Sanjeevani
With reference to the above subject, the undersigned is directed to state that with the objective of optimal utilization of the services provided by the doctors rendering Tele consultation services through e-Sanjeevani portal, it is now decided that the doctors shall work from their respective Wellness Centre w.e.f. 10th April, 2023. They shall attend to the CGHS beneficiaries visiting the Wellness Centre physically, while providing consultation to the beneficiaries registering on the e-Sanjeevani portal.
- The timings of the e-Sanjeevani Tele consultation facility shall remain unchanged i.e. from 9.30 A.M to 6.00 P.M (2.00 P.M to 3.00 P.M break) from Monday to Friday and 7.30 A.M to 2.00 P.M on Saturdays. Therefore, the earmarked doctors while attending to normal duty at Wellness Centres from 7.30 A.M to 2.00 P.M shall also be providing – Tele consultation facility from their respective Wellness Centre from 9.30 A.M to 2.00 P.M, and shall, thereafter. resume Tele consultation facility from their residence from 3 .00 P.M to 6.00 P.M on weekdays.
- Duty Roster will be prepared centrally by AD(Admin.) and monitored for patient output.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Dr. Mang Jain)
Director (CGHS)
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