Pay protection due to joining from a post in higher level in State Government/High Court to a post in lower level in Central Government
(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(P&A)II/2023/PP-2
New Delhi, dated 16.05.2023
The General Manager (P),
East Coast Railway,
Sub: Pay protection due to joining from a post in higher level in State Government/High Court to a post in lower level in Central Government- clarification regarding.
Ref: ECoR’s letter No(s):
(1) ECoR/Pers/Bills(NG)/Pay Protection/AK/CLA, dt. 11.11.2022.
(2) ECoR/Pers/Bills (NG)/Pay Protection/JPS/Jr.Clk, dt. 04/05.01.2022 (corrected as 04/05.01.2023).
The matter referred vide ECoR’s letters under reference has been examined in Board’s office in consultation with DoPT who advised that as per the guidelines on fixation of pay of State Government employees on appointment to the posts under administrative control of Ministry of Railways issued vide Board’s letter No. E(P&A)LI/2016/PP-1, dt. 23.06.2016 (RBE No.73/2016) and No. E(P&A)II/2023/PP-3 dt. 11.05.2023 (RBE No.69/2023) pay protection is admissible in cases where a State Government employee is appointed in Central Government in identical or higher Grade Pay/Level. However, these guidelines do not contain any provision for pay protection in cases where a State Government employee is appointed in Central Government in a lower Grade Pay/Level. This infers that pay protection is not admissible in cases where a State Government employee is appointed in Central Government in lower Grade Pay/Level.
ECoR is advised to take necessary action in light of the above.
(N.P. Singh)
Director, Estt.(P&A)
J Railway Board
Tele No.47845124
Email ID: nirbhay.singh26[at]
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