Indian Ministry of Railways has issued a circular (RBE No. 52/2023) informing the interest rate on computer advances for railway employees. The circular refers to an Office Memorandum issued by the Ministry of Finance that specifies the interest rate for advances given to government employees for purchasing computers during the fiscal year 2023-24. It states that railway employees will be eligible for the same interest rate and requests an acknowledgment of receipt.
Interest Rate on Computer Advance for Railway employees
Government of India (भारत सरकार)
Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
Railway Board (रेलवे बोर्ड)
RBE No. 52/2023
2020/F(E)SPL./Computer Advance/1(7th CPC)
New Delhi, Dated: 11.04.2023
The General Managers and PFAs
All Indian Railways, Production Units & Public Sector Undertakings
(As per standard list)
Sub.: Interest Rate on Computer Advance for Railway employees.
A copy of Ministry of Finance’s OM No. 5(2)-B(PD)/2023 dated 29.03.2023 regarding rate of interest for advance sanctioned to Government servants for purchase of computer during 2023-24 i.e. from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024, is enclosed. The same shall be applicable mutatis-mutandis on the Railways.
- Please acknowledge receipt.
(A.S. Bhasin)
Deputy Director Finance (Estt.)-IV
Railway Board
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