The Indian Railways has recently announced updates on the promotion channels for medical staff. According to the new guidelines, promotion to higher positions will be based on a composite assessment of the annual performance report, seniority, and qualifying service. The new policy aims to streamline the promotion process and provide a transparent and fair assessment of the medical staff. Additionally, the Railways has also introduced a provision for fast-track promotion to eligible candidates. These updates are expected to boost the morale of the medical staff and improve the healthcare facilities provided by the Indian Railways.
Updates on Promotion Channels for Medical Staff in Indian Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)I-2017/PM1/13
New Delhi dated 01.03.2023
The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways & Production Units.
Sub: Revision of channels of promotion (AVC) of non-gazetted staff of various categories-Medical Department-reg.
Ref: 1. Board’s letter of even number dated 22.10.2019.
- Board’s letter no. E(NG)II/2001/RR-1/45 dated 22.05.2015 (RBE 49/2015).
Reference is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 22.10.2019 on the above subject.
2 One of the recognized Federations (NFIR) has brought to Board’s notice that the minimum educational qualification of Dietician category (level-7) for direct recruitment has not been indicated correctly in the AVC issued vide Board’s letter dated 22.10.2019 ibid. in Terms of Board’s letter under reference (2) above, the educational qualification for Dietician category (level-7) as mentioned in the aforesaid letter may be corrected to read as under:-
“B.Sc (Science Graduate) with Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics (one year course) from a recognized Institution plus three months Internship Training in a Hospital.
B.Sc (Home Science)+ M.Sc/Home Science (Food & Nutrition) from a recognized Institution.”
Signed by Sanjay Kumar
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Tele No. 23303658
Source: Indian Railways
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