The Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Government of India has issued an Office Memorandum titled “Revised instructions on Bringing Autonomous Bodies (ABs) under the Treasury Single (TSA) System” on March 24, 2023. The memo contains enclosed instructions dated 24.02.2022, in the form of Ministry of Finance OM 26(118)//EMC Cell/2016, which outline the steps to bring autonomous bodies under the Treasury Single Account (TSA) system. The PCCAs/CCAs/CAs (U/C) of the Ministries/Departments overseeing autonomous bodies are required to adhere to the enclosed instructions. The memo was signed by Parul Gupta, Deputy Controller General of Accounts.
Updated Guidelines on Bringing ABs under Treasury Single System
10(3) FA-II/2021/TSA 5640/126
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
O/o Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
GPO Complex, E-Block,
INA, New Delhi
Dated 24-03-2023
Office Memorandum
Sub:- Revised instructions on Bringing Autonomous Bodies (ABs) under the Treasury Single (TSA) System.
Please find enclosed the Ministry of Finance, DoE’s OM 26(118)//EMC Cell/2016 dated 24.02.2022 on the subject.
All PCCAs/CCAs/CAs (U/C) of the Ministries/ Departments administering ABs are requested to ensure the compliance of instructions contained therein.
(Encl:- as above )
(Parul Gupta)
Deputy Controller General of Accounts
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