The revised rates for Cycle (Maintenance) Allowance have been conveyed by the Indian Railways through a circular, which has been re-circulated to BLW/Varanasi, Sealdah/BLW Camp office, and New Delhi for guidance. The instructions have been provided in Railway Board’s Letter No.F(E)1/2023/AL-7/1, dated-16.03.2023, RBE No.44/2023. The circular has been signed by Pius Minj, Assistant Personnel Officer/Staff, and the information is available on the website
Revision of the rates of Cycle (Maintenance) Allowance
Indian Railways
Banaras Locomotive Works, Varanasi – 221004
Dated- 21.03.2023
All Concerned
BLW/Varanasi & Sealdah /BLW Camp office
New Delhi.
Sub :- Re-circulation of instructions reg. revision of the rates of Cycle (Maintenance) Allowance.
Reference above a copy of Railway Board’s Letter No.F(E)1/2023/AL-7/1,dated-16.03.2023 , RBE No.44/2023 is forwarded herewith for information and guidance.
DA-05 Page.
(Pius Minj)
Assistant Personnel officer/Staff
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