Launching of RSMS online portal for reporting vacancies to Surplus Cell of this Department under CCS Rules, 1990
No. 1/2/2022-R&R and DC (E-3171940)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110003
Dated: 26.05.2023
Subject: Launching of Redeployment and Surplus Management System (RSMS) online portal for reporting vacancies to Surplus Cell of this Department under CCS (Redeployment of Surplus Staff) Rules, 1990- regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M of even number dated 03.04.2019 vide which all the Ministries/ Departments/ Offices of Government of India were requested to submit their requests for redeployment of Surplus Staff/ No Objection Certificate (NOC)/ Non-Availability Certificate (NAC).
- It is informed that Department is going to launch online portal namely Redeployment and Surplus Management System (RSMS) for facilitating the Departments/Offices of Government of India to seek Non Availability Certificate (NAC) from Department of Personnel & Training under Rule 3 of CCS(RSS) Rules, 1990. Departments/Offices will be able to report vacancy details, search the database of available surplus staff awaiting suitable redeployment against vacancies under Rules 4, 5 & 6 of CCS (Redeployment of Surplus Staff) Rules, 1990 and also get auto generated Non Availability Certificate (NAC) or auto generated redeployment -cum-NAC letter (Gazetted/ Non-Gazetted) from the said RSMS.
- In view of the above, it is stated that the Director (Admn.) in respect of all the Departments of Government of India is nominated as their respective Nodal Officer who will be given an appropriate training by NIC, DoP&T regarding operation of RSMS, creating new ID, etc and who will later train their respective concerned Officers of Subordinate/ Attached/ Field Offices under their control. It is requested that for this purpose, the details like name. designation, mobile and contact number, e-mail ID (preferably official ID) and complete Office address of the incumbent Officer may be furnished on immediate basis to register and use the new RSMS portal.
- In case there is any variation to this arrangement, then it is requested to nominate Nodal Officer and provide their details i.e. name, designation, mobile and contact number, e-mail ID (preferably official ID) and complete Office address of the incumbent Officer. It is, therefore, requested all Departments to nominate their respective Nodal Officer urgently by providing name, designation, mobile and contact number, e-mail ID and complete Office address. Nomination of Nodal Officer should be furnished within a week from the issue of this OM. It is mentioned that in case no information is received by the due date, then the concerned Department as well as Attached/Subordinate / Field offices under their control will not able to obtain NOC/NAC under the extant rules / instruction, since physical requests for NOC/NAC will not be entertained thereafter.
- This issues with the approval of the competent authority. Gamo)
(S. K. Mandi)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Tele: 24651898
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