Comprehensive Transfer Policy guidelines for tenure posting in Railway Board, RDSO, etc
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)
New Delhi, dated: 24.04.2023
Sub:- Comprehensive Transfer Policy guidelines for tenure posting in Railway Board, RDSO, etc. – simplification req.
Transfer/posting of Railway officers is presently governed by the Comprehensive Transfer Policy for Railway Officers, issued vide Board’s letters No. E(O)III/2014/PL/05 dated 31.08.2015 and 12.12.2018 r/w letters of even number dated 25.10.2018, 30.11.2018 & 17.12.2018.
2. After considering the issue to start the online Portal for inviting the applications for posting in Railway Board, RDSO and CTIs on tenure basis, it has been decided with the approval of the Competent Authority, to adopt the following procedure henceforth in this regard:-
- Applications for postings in Railway Board, RDSO and CTIs, will be submitted on HRMS portal through the link, named “Willingness for Posting (Railway Board, RDSO, CTIs)”.
- Willing officers will need to apply through his/her individual HRMS account.
- As per the data available in HRMS regarding service/department and present grade of the officer, he/she will be considered for posts, he/she is eligible for.
- The officer can apply at any time during the year and these applications will be valid for one year.
- For filling up a post in Railway Board, RDSO and CTls, the process of selection will be initiated from amongst the list of willing officers available on HRMS, who have applied for transfer/posting through HRMS Portal. Further selection procedure will remain the same as existing on date.
- Facility to withdraw applications is also available.
- All other instructions, as contained in Board’s aforesaid letters dated 31.08.2015, 12.12.2018, 25.10.2018, 30.11.2018 and 17.12.2018, will remain unaltered.
- These instructions will be applicable with immediate effect. All proposals for transfer/ posting, for which vacancy notices are yet to be issued, may be processed as per the revised procedure as mentioned above.
- All Zonal Railways/PUs are advised to circulate above instructions to all officers posted under their administrative control for information.
(V.S. Dahiya)
Joint Secretary (Gaz.)
Railway Board
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