The SCRE Sangh has written to the Personnel Department of South Central Railway concerning the payment of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) to Group ‘C’ non-gazetted railway employees receiving higher pay levels beyond Level-8 under MACPS. The railway department has referred the matter to the Railway Board to determine whether eligible staff should receive NHA from 01.07.2017 or from the date of the Board’s letter dated 04.02.2022. The Railway Board is currently reviewing the matter, and instructions will be provided once a decision has been reached.
Payment of National Holiday Allowance to the Group ‘C’ non- gazetted Railway employees
Headquarters Office
Personnel Department.
No. P[R] 55/NHA/Vol III
The General Secretary,
SCRE Sangh,
Sub: Payment of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) to the Group ‘C’ non- gazetted Railway employees who are getting higher pay level beyond Level-8 under MACPS – reg.
Ref: GS/SCRE Sangh’s letter No. SCRES/GM/Personnel & Genl/Vol Dated 16.02 2022
With reference to GS/SCRE Sangh’s letters cited above, it 1s advised that the matter has been referred to Railway Board for clarification whether to grant NHA to the eligible staff (who are in higher pay level beyond Level-8 under MACPS) w.e.f 01.07.2017 or from the date of issue of Board’s letter dt 04 02.2022 through which the staff working in higher pay level beyond Level-8 under MACPS are made eligible for NHA, for taking further necessary action.
In turn, Railway Board vide their letter No. E(P&A)I-2021/HL-1-Part(1) dt 27.02.2023 have advised that, the issue is under examination in Board’s office in consultation with Finance Directorate of Railway Board. As and when a decision is taken, necessary instructions would be issued accordingly (copy enclosed)
This is for kind information please.
Encl As above.
Yours faithfully,
(G. Srinivasa Naik)
for Principal Chief Personnel Officer
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